Latest news
Please note that the RISIS portal and helpdesk will be unavailable from 8 a.m. (BST) on Wednesday 9 April 2025 for an essential upgrade. This is a double upgrade and is expected to take two days. We expect the RISIS portal and helpdesk to be accessible again in the early evening of Thursday 10 April 2025. We apologise for any inconvenience.
If you have a University email account, with a username ending in or, please make sure you have no text in the Username and Password boxes before clicking on the 'Staff and students sign in with Microsoft' button.
Need further help logging into RISIS?
Staff and current students
As part of the sign in process, you will be asked to complete
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provided by Digital
Technology Services (DTS). Further information and support
can be found on the
Services (DTS)
Office 365 login page.
If you are a member of University staff who requires access to RISIS for your job role and has yet to be
access, please ask your line manager to contact the Student Information
Systems (SIS) Team, giving your University username.
Applicants and past students
You should use your registered email address as the username together with the appropriate password: please refer to guidance emailed to you. If you have logged in previously and now want to reset your login password, please use the Forgotten your password? button. For more help, please email the Student Information Systems (SIS) Team from the email address you have registered with the University.